Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 9, 2010 - Pocket Change

November 9, 2010 - Pocket Change

We have all been there; you arrive at home after a 9 hour day at the office, the baby is crying, husband is hungry, phone is ringing, and the real cherry on top of the sundae, you forgot to take something out for supper. So you reach in freezer for the meat that will thaw the fastest, throw it on the counter, rush in the bathroom, but afraid of what your toddler may do in the 48 seconds you are gone, you ask her "Do you want to help Mommy with some laundry" with a high pitch squeal and a super cheese ball smile. To your delight she nods yes and follows you in the bathroom. You open the door and trip over a pile of laundry, you start sorting through the stack(s), lights, darks, towels, oh what the heck, you throw everything in at once. As you are checking your husbands pants pockets you feel... what, what is this?? Could it be?? Could it really, really be?!? YES, It is!! YES! YES! YESS!!

Do you see it?? Yep, it is two dolla, dolla bills y'all! All of a sudden everything is right in the world! You may think, big whoop, it's two bucks. But I say, add in $.45 and Momma's got a Med. Iced French Vanilla Coffee with 1 and 1 in morning. Which makes me one happy little laundry lady.

Oh and don't you love it when you pull out a $5 or a $10, it's like winning on a scratch ticket without the scratching orrrr the trip to the store. Although I have to admit, I have a moral dilemma on anything over $20 and confess to the rightful owner of what I found. Usually I am rewarded for my honesty and get to keep it. Some other laundry ladies I know call my confessions utterly ludicrous, I call it karma.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the laundry money! if your doing the laundry it's yours :)

  2. I agree, Daniela - Doers, Keepers.
    I am going on my 23 YEAR (yes, YEAR) of doing laundry- a tip never hurt anyone. It wasn't written in the marriage vows, but it may as well have been- the doer of the laundry gets to spend all "found" monies on a little "somethin somethin" - no questions asked. Carolina


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