This was my last family session of 2010, so needless to say it was a bittersweet event. This family was a lot of fun to work with. Mom is the cousin of a good friend of mine from high school, I remember these two kids when they were just little, like toddler little, now they are all grown up and almost in high school, which makes me feel ... old. They were very easy to work with too, it's amazing what you can get a couple tweens to do when bribed with Mt. Dew and Slim Jims :-) Here are a few of my favorites from the day.

Ok, Amy. What is up? Don't you ever get to shoot any UGLY kids? I mean, really, come on. There must be some ugly kid somewhere in Maine. These parents are lucky people. Congratulations on your 2010 "shooting season" - you did great work all season long. Carolina