Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2010 Blog Review - B

On May 10, 2010 I took to the plunge with my first blog post, “Toes in the Water“. Reflecting on that title I realize how fitting it was as I was ‘testing’ the blog water for the first time. You see, I had never considered having a blog of my own, I mean I love blogs and all, but who in the world would give a hoot about what I had to write about. I mean come on really… I am not a professional anything (coffee drinker maybe), but I am not a professional photographer, not a celebrity, not a stand up comedian, so what would I have to offer world of bloggiders?

That was until April 20, 2010 when I received this message though facebook:

“I think you could start your own blog now with your photo skills for sure, but more than that you have a unique talent ... you like words. I am not being silly here. Forever since I have known you, you have had a gift with words, a real gift… Many people have a sense of humor, but yours is ultra clever and never annoying. Do not take this gift lightly. I am sure you want to read this message so I will send it to you and plant the seed. Wanting only the best for you"

This message came from one of my favorite teachers and one of the most inspiring human beings I have ever met, Mrs. Ellis. Her message literally came out of no where and caught me off guard. Wait?!? What?!? ME? Noooooo. I didn’t respond right away, but kept her message (obviously). That night I thought about it and thought about it. The thought process went a little something like "Really a blog Amy, no one would read it, I know… but what if one person read it… don’t do it the only one that will read it is your Mom… what tha heck, I am gonna do it!" So on May 10th, I with my eyes squinted tight, I hit “publish” on my first blog post!

I was shocked when I received six comments on that post!! The next day I was like a blog writing machine, I had four posts in the queue and they just kept coming. Then in the spring when the ground dried up and the trees began to blossom I started sharing my photography and the blog has evolved from there. This has definitely been a learning experience for me, I still look at this place and think I wish it looked more like ‘me’, how do I get those fancy icons on the side, I should really change that banner, trust me the self-blogging critiquing is a constant thing around here...

None the less, I think the first 8 ½ months of this blog’s life has been pretty darn good and has surpassed my expectations. I am proud to report that 4,539 people have clicked into my blog, when most of you get in here you start clicking around, like on the pictures and other links, as matter of fact you have done that  7,718 times!!! WOW!  I also have 16 followers which is something I never thought that I would have, so a huge THANK YOU to each of you, it means more than you will ever know.

Fun Blog Facts:

Most Popular Posts:
1) A Christmas Miracle
2) Sneak Peek - The Worth’s
3) I Have Homework…
4) Winner of the Photo Shoot Giveaway
5) Maine Family Photography

Top Referring URLs:
1) http://www.thisandthatagl.blogspot.com/
2) http://www.themuseoftheday.typepad.com/
3) http://ashleyannphotography.com/blog/
4) http://www.go4prophotos.com/blog/

Most of you (3,026 as of this evening) find my blog through face book. :-)

A lot of people find me through ‘google’ too. I wish they were googling “funniest girl in Maine’ or ‘amazing Maine photographer’, but no, they are googling Pampered Chef Lemon Gingertini Recipe… close to 200 people stumbled on to This & That by searching for that delish sparkling beverage!

People from all over the world have viewed this blog from places like England, France, Australia, Germany, India, Netherlands, Ireland, Japan, and many of the States! Can you believe people on the OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD have read this blog, unreal!
Wow, this post is getting really long. In wrapping up this 94th post, I am going to grade the first year of this This & That a B. Just a B, no minus no plus. There is still a lot of room for improvement, such as making this space truly reflect me, I need to stop comparing my blog to all the 'perfect' blogs out there and just let this space take on a life of its' own. That probably sounds uber crazy to most of you out there, and you know what it even sounds a little crazy to me too.
In closing I would like to thank Carolina Ellis. She is the one that sent me that message on April 20, 2010 and she has been the backbone of my blogging experience. She consistently comments on all my posts, she sends me encouraging messages, sends me ideas, she keeps me inspired. Thank you Carolina, Thank you!!
Also, a huge thank you to all of you who take time out of your busy lives and read this blog, I hope you enjoy what I have to share and will keep coming back for more in 2011!! 

And because posts are better with pictures, here is the scene out of my front door last Monday during a stay home from work snow storm. Gotta love it!


  1. Amy I love reading your blogs! So glad Carolina inspired you!!

  2. I am a PATHETIC site at the moment- aging and with my eyes puddled with tears. The hardest thing one can do in life is push oneself. The easy road has signs that say "Do That When You Are Ready" and "Tomorrow". The road with the most rewards has signs that say "Today", "Don't stop" and "Jump". In my 47 years I have learned one true fact - with great risk comes great rewards. I don't mean risks like the damage we could do in Vegas. Think back on your life to the times you took a risk - where there not rewards that came from those times that you cherish today? Are those risks not what has made you who you are today? Where would you be had you not taken those risks? I know, for myself, I never would have met you, and the rest of the wonderful Erskine clan, had I not taken the risk to teach although I had never taught before. There are countless huge risks I have taken and the rewards have responded in equal measure. You never know what you would have missed if you didn't take that risk, but you also would not have as much to cherish. I cherish you. And I chose to fill my life with events and people I cherish. I am thrilled to know that the same passion runs in your blood. Carolina

  3. Amy,

    You inspire me! You had a dream and a thought and instead of pushing it away and staying in that "comfort zone" you jumped off the cliff and made a spectacular dive into beautiful waters. Your blogs make me smile and your photography is amazing. You do not just capture a picture, you get the entire personality! Keep it coming. I can't wait to see our family photo's on here someday


  4. I love this blog! I remember when we talked about if you should blog and if people would read it...I am so glad you decided to do it! So many times I hear you say you are not a professional BUT you are! You don't give yourself enough credit at all the wonderful beautiful things you do and capture with pictures and words...HOWEVER growing up with you I can honestly say (and I knew all along you would be) what you are best at is being mother and wife! My brother is one lucky guy and the happiness in my niece's eyes shows how great you are doing every day! Love You XO


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