Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Maine Senior Portraits

I had so much fun photographing Leanna’s senior pictures this weekend. She was such a good sport as we ventured in and around and all around the town in the search for cool and unique shooting spots. She even let me experiment with a few props!

It is no secret that I follow the Go{4}Pro photography blog and last week they had a guest blogger, Angela Richardson. Angela’s guest blog was mostly about how to incorporate props into your images (tastefully). I don’t mean stuffed animals or fake flower arrangements, we are talking about antique chairs, headbands, hats, even a chandelier or two. If you are having a hard time envisioning what I am typing about, check out her web-site here.

After reading her guest posts it inspired me to try using a prop or two in my own shoots. I don’t have an eclectic stash of antique chairs, or vintage hats or headbands, but I have a dining room chair. So with a few raised eyebrows from both my husband and Leanna, I hauled it down a flight of stairs and I threw it in the car and with a reassuring glance, told her not to worry...all the while I was thinking, what the heck are you going to do with this thing!!

Once we got shooting it all sort of fell into place. Here are a few of my favorite images from our time together. A huge thank you to Leanna for being such a good model and for giving the chair a shot – I hope you love these images as much as I do.

Wait for it.... another prop!
We found this pitch fork in the garden while walking to these sunflowers.
I love how just the small element of the handle showing and the way she is holding it,
changes the feel of the image.
At the end of our shoot Leanna boyfriend showed up. I knew she wanted some pictures of the two of them, so I ceased the opportunity to try out yet another style I have been wanting to try... silhouetting.
Not bad for my first try!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures. I looks as though someone else was with them on the last shot. How awesome.


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