Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Homework - Silhouettes

Yes, another Go4Pro Homework Assignment! Leah from G4P has teamed up with the fabulous Heather Ward and issued an assignment on.... silhouetted photos! And this time there is a prizzze involved (queue the choir). Heather will ‘guest judge’ this assignment and the artist of the image she selects will receive a little sumpthin, sumpthin from her shop of actions. For those of you who do not know what actions are, they are sort of like a macro for photoshop that make an "Ehh" image a "WOW" image and can make processing time go from 122 hours to 50 hours, pretty much when they are used correctly they can be a photographers BFF.

Now for all of you who follow this little bloggideedoo know I tried my very first silhouetted image just a few weeks ago and shared that image with you in this post. This was my first stab at silhouetting and I am not going to lie, I have a lot of room for improvement on these. So I am passing in this image with my breath held, hand shaking, ready to bolt for the bus... and hoping a little sumpthin' sumpthin will come out of it!

As a side note, I think I have done more homework for Leah in the past couple weeks, than my entire Junior & Senior year of high school!! 


  1. I can second that last comment on your post!
    I like the fact that I can still see the grass in the background - very nice.
    Good luck! I think these homework assignments are great. They will push you into new directions. Let me know how it all works out. Carolina
    P.S. Yes, it is good to be back.

  2. Great pic! Very pretty and a young couple OBVIOUSLY very in love ;)


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