Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday's Question

I believe in:
  • Eating dinner together as a family,
  • Mowing the lawn every weekend,
  • Little girls looking like little girls,
  • Kids playing outside,
  • Treating people the way you would like to be treated,
  • Dancing, even when all your friends beg you not to,
  • Date nights with your husband.

To name a few.... Which leads me into this week's question:

What do you believe in?

1 comment:

  1. *It takes very little to be happy.
    *If you think you can't, you probably can't, so don't think it.
    *Don't change whatever God gave you, he got it right the first time.
    *Adults AND children playing outside.
    *Make a plan as to what kind of old lady you want to be.
    *Stick to the plan.
    *Life goes by quick, even when the days go by slow.
    *Ice cream tastes better on a cold day.


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