Saturday, July 10, 2010

2010 Flower Garden

It is a gloomy Saturday here in Maine; over cast skies, huuuumid with periods of thunder accompanied by torrential down pours. But before the rain came and washed out my driveway (again), I took advantage of the amazing light outside and photographed some of my flowers. Next to BBQ's and boat rides, flowers are one of my favorite parts of summer.

I know this is not a flower, but this has to be the coolest picture of a pea pod ~Ever~


  1. Simply amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. My favorite flower in the world is the purple coneflower - it has so much personality. I am glad it made your bunch of terrific pictures. The beginning of your pst you say the weather in Maine has been bad. You can't complain, though, I was just in Maine for a week & had the best weather anybody could ask for. They say TN has two seasons: winter and humid.
    Are all those flowers in your own yard? They are really beautiful.

  3. Beautiful!!! And yes, I'm loving the pea pod!!


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