Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall in Maine

October has always been one of my favorite months; after all what is not to love. It is the changing of the seasons that brings out a whole new wardrobe filled with exciting clearance pieces from last year you forgot you bought, the anticipation of a brisk night is the perfect excuse to throw together a big meal, topped off with a heavy dessert or two, the smells of apples baking mixed with sweet cinnamon and nutmeg rise up from my oven, only because my candle is burning on top of the stove, and last but certainly not least, the foliage!!

If you have never been to Maine in the fall, put it on your list of things to do. It is a sight for sore eyes. I love to just drive around and look at everything. Although this year, I haven't had much free time to drive around without a specific arrival time and destination in mind. Except... for this past weekend.

Sunday morning I had a photo shoot, I was a little ahead of schedule so I ventured into Augusta and saw some pretty amazing views. I pulled into a near by vacant parking lot and with camera in tow, captured the essence of fall in Maine.

Our State Capitol Building

This crow scared the bee-geesums out of me. Picture this: Me, walking through a vacant parking lot, trying to be all cool with my camera and then CAACAWW! It was one of those times where you scream like an 8 year old, duck your head and almost break an ankle. Once you realize what just happened you look around to make sure no one was watching yeah that was me, all thanks to this bird!

On with the pretty:

So after I regained my composure from the bird incident, I looked to my right and what did I see? THIS! Can you believe it, perfect timing on my part. I would have loved to run over, wave my arms and ask for a ride... but at this point, I was pretty sure I was the proud owner of a busted ankle!

What is your favorite part of fall?
Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I love the colors, smells and the cooler climate.


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