Here is a little project I completed a couple months ago, I don't know what it has taken me so long to blog about it, but the time has come. It is a simple project anyone can do, cost under $20, and can be completed in 23 hours or less.
It all started with a paint tray and an eager little helper.
Three little wooden letters.
Ummm... tea is okay and all, but this girl would rather:
A little sponge brush and once again, a little helper.
Some metallic paint followed by ... the wallow of disappointment.
Look at that coverage. I am sure after 14 more coats I would have received the results I wanted, but let's face it people, it took me almost two months to make it to the craft store to buy the supplies, do you really think this girl is going to apply 13 more coats? So I sat and thought about it for a second, then I remembered I won a bunch of tole paint from DecoArt back in December!! I sprang to my feet, dug out the box and applied the paint on a different letter and look at the difference!
That's what I am typin' about!!
The following day we hung my little letters over the stove in my kitchen. Pretty darn cute if I say so myself.
Love it!
Someone made a smart comment and asked if I was going to put the letters "P E E" over my toilet next, I said no, but I may consider "F L U S H" or "S E A T D O W N".
Happy Monday!