Sunday, January 15, 2012

Texaco, Texaco

Warning: This is a totally random post.

Yesterday I was sitting in the truck waiting for my husband to get out of the bait store and I saw this sign across the parking lot and it made me smile. Maybe it was because I had spent the previous 24 hours selling Buick's to my toilet or maybe it was because I have some really fun childhood memories which have this word in it. I will let you decide.

Girls, you know what I am typin' about, come on sing it with me:

Ovah head to Mexico!!

Another totally random point, this is same picture, the first one is SOOC (straight out of camera) and the other is after being edited in Photoshop. As you can see I did some cropping, straightened the image, cloned out the building in the lower right and some poles in the lower left, added a Boost of color, and then added a texture to the image (Dirty Diana from Totally Rad). I am by no means a Photoshop editing professional, but I am thinking of posting a few before and after images on this blog just to show you how much a little (or sometimes a lot) of editing really enhances a photo. More on that later. For now, have a Happy Sunday and if you are in Maine - stay warm!!

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